Patrick Larkin Funeral Director (IAFD)

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Helen Cullinane

The death has occurred of

Helen Cullinane
(née Mulcahy)

Cork City, Cork

CULLINANE (Cork) On 22nd December 2023, peacefully, after a brief illness, in the presence of her loving family and in the tender care of the staff of the Renal Unit, Cork University Hospital, HELEN (nee Mulcahy), late of Rathmore Terrace. Dearly beloved wife of Denis and much loved mother of Samantha, loving daughter of the late Denis and Madge, dearest sister of Hannah, Elizabeth and William. Sadly missed by her loving family, aunts Maureen and Eileen, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and friends.


Reposing at Coughlan’s Funeral Home, Shandon Street on Sunday (24th December, Christmas Eve) at 12 noon family in attendance from 3.00pm with Rosary at 4.00pm. Requiem Mass on Tuesday (26th December, St. Stephen’s Day) at 10.00am in the Church of the Annunciation, Blackpool. Funeral afterwards to St. Catherine’s Cemetery, Kilcully.


May she rest in peace.


The Condolence Book is open below.

Date Published:

Saturday 23rd December 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 22nd December 2023

Patrick Larkin Funeral Director (IAFD)

IAFD Member
J.K.L. Street
www.patricklarkinfuneraldirectors.compl@larkinsundertakers.com046-9731594Patrick: 086-6018260 / Patrick Jr: 085-7847917
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