James Cahill Funeral Directors Ltd (IAFD) (CFP)

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Helen Kavanagh

The death has occurred of

Helen Kavanagh
(née Neville)

Innishmore Park, Cobh, Cork

Peacefully surrounded by her loving family and in the loving care of Dr. Harry Kelleher and all at Cork University Hospital. Helen is predeceased by her loving husband John and son Johnny. Helen will be sadly missed and lovingly remembered by her daughters Yvonne and Gillian, sons, sisters Sr. Veronica and Maureen, son in law Pakie, Gillian's partner Tony, daughter in law Catherine, grandchildren, great granddaughters, brother in law, sisters in law, nephews, nieces,relatives, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.


May Helen rest in peace.


Helen will repose at Cahill's Funeral Home, Newtown Rd., Cobh P24Y383 on Wednesday May 8th from 5.30pm with prayers at 7pm. Helen's funeral cortege will leave outside her home 18 Innishmore Park on Thursday May 9th at 10.30am en route to St. Colman's Cathedral for 11am Requiem Mass followed by burial in St. Colman's Cemetery.

Helen's Requiem Mass will be livestreamed on https://mcn.live/camera/st-colmans

Messages of comfort and support may be left for Helen's family in the condolence section below

House private please

Date Published:

Monday 6th May 2024

Date of Death:

Monday 6th May 2024

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