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Helen Knowles

The death has occurred of

Helen Knowles
(née Kelly)

East Wall, Dublin

Knowles (née Kelly), Helen (late of East Wall) – January 11th, 2023. Beloved mother of Avril and Karen, grandmother of Ruby and Jude and sister of Sally, Henry and the late Richard, Tony and Bren. Deeply regretted and very sadly missed by her loving daughters, her sons-in-law Phil and Sean, grandchildren, Joe, sister and brother, nieces, nephews, her extended family, neighbours and friends.


May she Rest in Peace


Reposing at the Kirwan Funeral Home, Fairview Strand, on Friday evening (January 20th) with a Gathering of Family and Friends from 5 o’clock to 7 o’clock. Removal on Saturday morning (January 21st) to St. Joseph’s Church, East Wall, arriving for 10 o’clock Requiem Mass, with Funeral thereafter to Balgriffin Cemetery.

Date Published:

Wednesday 18th January 2023

Date of Death:

Wednesday 11th January 2023

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