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Helena McCarthy

The death has occurred of

Helena McCarthy
(née Collins)

Ballynoe Cottage Newtown, Cobh, Cork / Midleton, Cork

Peacefully surrounded by her loving family & in the loving care of the medical acute ward C.U.H. Beloved wife of the late Batt & much - loved mother of Kay, Lena, Angela, Bernie, Andrew, Pat & the late Johnny & Bart. Sadly missed & lovingly remembered by her loving daughters, sons, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, partners, nephews, nieces, relatives & a wide circle of friends.


May Helena Rest In Peace


Helena's funeral cortege will leave her daughter Kay's home on Saturday 12th of June at 11.30am & drive to St. Colman's Cathedral for 12noon Requiem Mass followed by burial in Old Church Cemetery.

Helena's Requiem Mass will be live streamed on at 12 noon on Saturday, June 12th.

Those who would have liked to attend Helena's Requiem Mass but due to current restrictions cannot do so, can leave a personal message in the condolence section below.

Date Published:

Thursday 10th June 2021

Date of Death:

Wednesday 9th June 2021

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