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Hugh Quinn

The death has occurred of

Hugh Quinn

Drimure, Longford

Hugh, peacefully at home. Pre-deceased by his parents Denis and Annie. Hugh will be sadly missed and remembered with love by his family, brother Denis, good friend Kate, dog Cassie, relatives and friends.


May he rest in peace.


Reposing at Glennon’s Funeral Home (walk through only) on Sunday from 4.00pm concluding with prayers at 6.00pm. Mass of the Resurrection in St. Mary’s Church, Newtownforbes, on Monday at 11.00am, interment afterwards in Newtownforbes Cemetery. The Mass will be streamed live please go to  

Those of you who would have liked to attend but due to current restrictions are unable to may leave their personal messages in the condolences section below. The family very much appreciates your support and consideration at this time. So as to keep everyone safe please continue to adhere to mask wearing and social distancing protocols. 

Date Published:

Friday 31st December 2021

Date of Death:

Thursday 30th December 2021

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