Hugh Ryan Funeral Directors (Est. 1878)

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Jack (Jackie) Glasheen

The death has occurred of

Jack (Jackie) Glasheen

Beakstown, Holycross, Tipperary / Thurles, Tipperary

Formerly Crohane, Killenaule and Cabra Road, Thurles, in his 100th year. In the wonderful care of Fennor Hill Care Facility. Predeceased by Lily and Biddy, brothers Bill, Jimmy, Francis and Tommy, sisters Maura (Molumby) and Patricia and grandson Jack (Griffin). Sadly missed by his children Mairéad (Mehigan), Francis, Eamon and Mary (Griffin), daughter in law Mary, sons in law Denis and Jack, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours and many friends.

May He Rest In Peace

Following government guidelines, Jackie's funeral is private. Jackie's funeral cortège will leave his residence on Tuesday, 9th March, at 1pm, to arrive at Holycross Abbey for Requiem Mass at 2pm. Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. The Mass can be viewed at Sympathies can be expressed in the condolence section below.

Date Published:

Sunday 7th March 2021

Date of Death:

Saturday 6th March 2021

Hugh Ryan Funeral Directors (Est. 1878)

Slievenamon Road
Thurles, E41 CP59
office@hughryanfuneraldirectors.ie0504-21704David: 086-8058865 / Donal 086-8354336
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