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Jakub (Kuba) Trzeciak

The death has occurred of

Jakub (Kuba) Trzeciak

Bawnogue, Clondalkin, Dublin / Naas, Kildare

Trzeciak Kuba, August 19th 2023 passed peacefully at his residence surrounded by his loving family. Sadly missed by his loving wife Sylwia, parents Marta and Andrzej, his brother Lukasz, sister-in-law, nieces, nephew, neighbours, relatives and a large circle of friends.

Trzeciak Kuba, 19 Sierpnia 2023 roku odszedł spokojnie otoczony Kochającą Rodziną.


Rest In Peace


Reposing at Reilly Funeral Home, Woods House Clane (W91 YPX4) on Tuesday, August 22nd, from 4pm to 8pm Removal from the Funeral home on Wednesday, August 23rd, at approx 11:45 am to arrive at Newlands Cross Crematorium for 12:30pm celebration of life mass.Those who are unable to attend the funeral mass, please leave a personal message for the family in the condolences section below.


The Funeral Mass can be viewed live in the webstream section below.


Oliver Reilly Funeral Directors accept no responsibility for any live webcam interruptions or issues.

For all enquiries, please contact Oliver Reilly Funeral Directors on (045) 868230.

Date Published:

Monday 21st August 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 19th August 2023

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