Condons Funeral Directors Ltd (IAFD) - Clonmel

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James (Jim) Wall

The death has occurred of

James (Jim) Wall

Knocklucas, Clonmel, Waterford / Clonmel, Tipperary

The death has occurred of James (Jim) Wall, Knocklucas, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary and formerly The Nire, Co. Waterford.


Jim passed away peacefully at home on Friday morning, following a short illness, surrounded by his loving family.  Pre-deceased by his grandson Jack, he will be sadly missed by his loving wife Angela, daughters Marian, Carol and Sandra, sons Brian and Niall, brothers Mick and Walter, sisters Mary (Niblett), Pauline (Wall) and Eileen (Hannyngton), grandchildren Cathal, Shane, Róise, Conor, Cian, Daniel, Brían, Ava, Aidan, Billy, Ella and Rían, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, brothers-in-law, sister-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family and friends.


May He Rest in Peace


Reposing at Condons Funeral Parlour, Clonmel on Saturday from 4.30pm to 6.30pm.  Removal on Sunday morning to Ss. Peter & Paul’s Church.  Funeral Mass on arrival at 12.30pm.  Those who cannot attend can watch live via the Ss. Peter & Paul’s Parish livestream service  Burial will take place afterwards in St Patrick’s Cemetery.  Family flowers only please.  Donations, if desired, to South Tipperary Hospice Movement.


Ar dheis Dé go raibh a Anam Dílis


Messages of condolence may be left below or alternatively on the Condons Funeral Directors Facebook page.  

Date Published:

Friday 16th December 2022

Date of Death:

Friday 16th December 2022

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