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James (Jimmy) COYNE

The death has occurred of

James (Jimmy) COYNE

Killiney, Dublin

COYNE (Rochestown Avenue, Killiney, Co. Dublin) – December 26th 2023 (suddenly) at home. James (Jimmy) (late of Irish Rail); dearly beloved son of Michael and Olive, much loved brother of Liz and Michael. Sadly missed by his heartbroken Mam and Dad, sister, brother, sister-in-law Sandra, nephew Matthew, niece Lilly, aunts, uncles, especially Seamus, cousins, extended family and a wide circle of friends.


May he rest in peace.


Reposing at Patrick O’Donovan and Son Funeral Home, Sallynoggin A96 PW73 on Tuesday (Jan 2nd) from 5pm to 7pm (all welcome to attend). Removal on Wednesday (Jan 3rd) to the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Churchview Road, Killiney arriving for 10am Requiem Mass. Funeral immediately afterwards to Kilquade Cemetery, Co. Wicklow.


To view the Funeral Mass live click on this link


For those who would have liked to attend the funeral but are unable to, can leave a personal message of sympathy on the notice section at or on the condolences section below.


Please Note: The links provided to live-stream the Funeral Services are managed by an independent streaming company. The Funeral Directors accepts NO responsibility for its functionality or interruption to a live transmission.

Date Published:

Thursday 28th December 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 26th December 2023

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