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James (Jimmy) O'Mahony

The death has occurred of

James (Jimmy) O'Mahony

Comeragh Park, The Glen, Cork

O' Mahony (Comeragh Park, The Glen, Cork), on October 16th 2023, peacefully in the presence of his loving family at The Mercy University Hospital; James (Jimmy), beloved husband of the recently deceased Mary (née McDermott) and much loved father of Sandra, Derek, Annette, Michelle, Helen, Martin and Stephen. Sadly missed by his heartbroken sons, daughters, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, brother Mickey, nephews, nieces, daughters-in-law Sinead and Kathy, relatives, neighbours and friends.


Visitation at O' Connor Bros. Funeral Home, North Gate Bridge on Wednesday, October 18th, from 6.00pm to 7.00pm, with prayers at 6.45pm. Requiem Mass in The Church of The Annunciation, Blackpool on Thursday, October 19th, at 11.30am, which will be live-streamed on Funeral afterwards to St. Catherine's Cemetery, Kilcully.


Requiescat In Pace

Date Published:

Tuesday 17th October 2023

Date of Death:

Monday 16th October 2023

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