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James (Jimmy) Ryan

The death has occurred of

James (Jimmy) Ryan

Castlemarket, Ballinakill, Laois / Ballyouskill, Kilkenny

James died, unexpectedly, at The Mater Hospital, Dublin. Pre-deceased by his brothers Kieran and John. Deeply regretted by his brother Mike, sisters Judy and Catherine, brothers in law Tom (Somers) and Con (Sheehan), sisters in law Mary (Healy) and Mary (Hennessey), nieces, nephews, grandnieces, grandnephews, relatives, neighbours and friends.


Reposing at his residence in Castlemarket, from 12 noon on Saturday with Rosary at 9pm.Funeral Mass on Sunday at 1pm in The Church of The Assumption, Ballyouskill which can be viewed on Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. House Private on Sunday morning, please. Condolences can be left in the Condolence section below.

Rest in Peace

Date Published:

Wednesday 22nd March 2023

Date of Death:

Sunday 19th March 2023

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