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The death has occurred of


Ticknock, Dublin 18, Dublin

MILLER – Jason (Ticknock, Dublin 18), December 12th 2021, peacefully, at St. James’s Hospital, surrounded by his family, following a thrilling F1 Championship finale. Beloved husband and best friend of Sandra, adored and cherished Dad of Annabella, Eva, Alexandra, Beatrice and Tessa May; loved and remembered always by his parents Desmond and Anna, brothers Angus, Marcus and Jonny, sisters Rebecca and Samantha, the wider Miller and Stewart families and Jason’s many good friends.


The Funeral will take place on Saturday (December 18) at 4pm in Mount Jerome Victorian Chapel (covid restrictions apply). For those unable to attend the Service, you may join us online here:


Instead of flowers, in memory of Jason, consider performing a random act of kindness. You may leave a personal message for the family by using the Condolences section below.

Date Published:

Tuesday 14th December 2021

Date of Death:

Sunday 12th December 2021

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