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Peacefully, after a long illness, predeceased by his beloved wife Peggy. Sadly missed by his sister Maura (Sr. Paul) and his brother Tommy, daughters Carmel, Maura, Brigid, Margaret, Frances and Claire, sons-in-law Pearse, Martin, John, Kevin and Richie and by his grandchildren Róisín, Kate, Ciarán, Áine, Rory, Sarah, Donnacha and Dan, relatives, neighbours and friends.
Rest In Peace
John's funeral cortege will arrive at St Francis' Church, Meelick Saturday 23rd for private Mass at 11:30. Burial afterwards in adjoining cemetery.
Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
Due to Government and HSE restrictions, a limited number will be able to attend. Those who would like to offer condolences can do so in the condolence section below.
Date Published:
Thursday 21st January 2021
Date of Death:
Thursday 21st January 2021