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John Joe McGirl

The death has occurred of

John Joe McGirl

Listermacrone, Drumcong, Leitrim

Peacefully in his 96th year, in the tender loving care of the Nurses and Staff at St. Patrick's Hospital, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim.  Deeply regretted and sadly missed by his loving wife Bridgie (nee Farrell), loving sons, Michael, Joseph (USA) and Sean (England), daughters Christina Lynch and Mary Redican, daughters-in-law, Mary and Brona, sons-in-law Padraig and Tony, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, relatives, neighbours, and friends.


Rest In Peace


In keeping with current Government guidelines regarding public gatherings, John Joe's repose and funeral will be private for family only.

Leaving his home on Tuesday, 26th May at 10.30 a.m. for private family Funeral in St Brigid's Church, Drumcong at 11.00 a.m.  Interment afterwards in Kiltubrid new cemetery.


For thoses who cannot attend due to theses restrictions, please leave a personal message for the family in the "Condolence" section bleow.  A celebration of John Joe's life and the opportunity to express your sympathy with the family will be announced at a later date. 

The family are grateful for your co-operation in this regard.

Date Published:

Sunday 24th May 2020

Date of Death:

Sunday 24th May 2020

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