Search Last 7 Days Death Notices
John Laurence McCarthy (Mount Temple Road, Arbour Hill – late of London and Marlborough Road, North Circular Road, Dublin 7); John was a former Royal Marine, Bookmaker (in London and Dublin), Republican, Horse Racing and Gaelic Football fan; He passed away peacefully at home on 15th April 2023 in the care of family, carers and The Hospice Homecare Team. Predeceased by his sister Madge and brothers Tom and Pat. He will be sadly missed by his nephews, nieces, and their families, extended family and friends, and all at the Capuchin Centre.
John’s Funeral will take place on Wednesday afternoon (19th April) at 3pm in The Chapel at Glasnevin Crematorium, Glasnevin Cemetery followed by cremation.
The Funeral Service at Glasnevin Crematorium can be viewed live at 3pm Wednesday (View Here) and personal messages of condolence can be left via the link below.
No flowers please. Donations if desired to The Irish Cancer Society.
Date Published:
Sunday 16th April 2023
Date of Death:
Saturday 15th April 2023