Joseph Cross & Sons Funeral Directors

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John O'Donnell

The death has occurred of

John O'Donnell

High Meadows, Gouldavoher, Fr. Russell Road, Limerick City, Limerick

Formerly of Vizes Field, Limerick 

Late of Ranks, Tobacco Land, Young Munsters R.F.C. and the Naval Association.

John, died peacefully, at University Hospital Limerick

Very deeply regretted by his loving wife Phil, sons Pat and Gary, daughters Linda, Marie and Sinead, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, sisters Chrissie, Bernie and Marie, daughter-in-law Mary, other relatives, friends and neighbours.


May He Rest in Peace


John, will repose at Cross' Funeral Home, Gerald Griffin Street, for family and close friends, on Thursday (September 30th) from 4pm to 6pm. Arriving on Friday (October 1st) for 11.30am Requiem Mass, for family and close friends, in St. Joseph's Church, O'Connell Avenue. Funeral afterwards to Mount St. Oliver Cemetery. 


Please ensure social distancing and public health advice is adhered to.


Messages of sympathy may be expressed through the condolence section below or cards and letters of sympathy can be sent to Cross's Funeral Directors, 2 Lower Gerald Griffin Street, Limerick.


Family flowers only. Donations, if desired, to Milford Care Centre.

(To donate click here)

Date Published:

Wednesday 29th September 2021

Date of Death:

Tuesday 28th September 2021

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