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The death has occurred of


25 The Old Mill, Tara Street & formerly Store Street, Tullamore, Offaly

Unexpectedly at home. Deeply regretted by his loving daughter Caroline (Fitzgerald), son Joseph Patrick, son in law James, grandchildren Joseph and Conor, brother John, sisters Monica (Magee) and Eileen (O'Brien), sister-in-law Joan, brother-in-law Tadgh, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.


May He Rest In Peace


Reposing at O'Reilly's Funeral Home, Harbour Street, Tullamore on Friday from 4.30pm until Removal at 6.30pm to the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore. Requiem Mass on Saturday at 12 noon followed by private cremation.

Date Published:

Tuesday 26th November 2019

Date of Death:

Monday 25th November 2019

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