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Joseph Gallagher

The death has occurred of

Joseph Gallagher

Stregaddy/ Cheshire Apt, Termon, Donegal

The peaceful death has occurred at Letterkenny University Hospital of Joseph Gallagher, Stragraddy, Termon F92 E0F5 and Cheshire Apartments, Long Lane, Letterkenny. Cherished by his loving Mammy, brothers Brian and Michael, sister Margaret and their families. Predeceased by his loving Daddy Brian, Brother Charlie and Aunts and Uncles.


Rest in Peace


Joseph's remains will repose at his home from 12 noon tomorrow, Saturday, 16th December. Rosary nightly at 9pm. Funeral mass in St Columba's Church, Termon on Monday 18th at 11.00am which can be viewed on Church Services. Interment in adjoining cemetery. One-way system will be in place for the Wake coming in Gap and going out Russell's. There will be a Shuttle Bus Service from Termon Chapel car park.

Date Published:

Friday 15th December 2023

Date of Death:

Friday 15th December 2023

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