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Joseph (Joe) Byrne

The death has occurred of

Joseph (Joe) Byrne

22 Hiller St., Harper Hey, Manchester and formerly of 40 O Hanrahan`s Avenue, Carlow Town, Carlow

Joseph (Joe) Byrne 22 Hiller St. Harper Hey, Manchester, England and formerly of 40 O'Hanrahan's Ave, Carlow, on 16th February, 2019 at St Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny. Beloved husband of the late Susan and loving father to Joseph, Michael, Mathew, Anthony, Rachel and Kerry. Sadly missed by his loving family, sons, daughters, brothers Patsy, Michael, John, Mathew, George, sisters Mary, Kathleen, Theresa and Ann, brothers in law, sisters in law, nieces, nephews, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, extended family, relatives and friends.

May Joe Rest In Peace

Reposing in Lacey's Funeral Home, John St., from 2pm Sunday, 17th February. Removal on Monday at 9.40am to the Cathedral of the Assumption, Carlow, arriving for requiem Mass at 10am. Funeral immediately afterwards to St Mary's Cemetery.

Date Published:

Saturday 16th February 2019

Date of Death:

Saturday 16th February 2019

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