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Joseph (Joe) Conlon

The death has occurred of

Joseph (Joe) Conlon

Drumakill, Castleblayney, Monaghan

The death has occurred of Joseph (Joe) Conlon, son of Nuala and Mickey Conlon, Drumakill, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan, Tuesday, April 25th, tragically, in Melbourne, Australia, surrounded by his close and loyal friends.


Joseph, deeply regretted and remembered with love by his Mother Nuala, Father Mickey, brother Darren and his fiancée Sarune, uncles, aunts, cousins, extended family, neighbours and his many friends in both the Northern and Southern hemisphere.


May Joseph’s Gentle Soul Rest In Eternal Peace


Joseph will repose at his home, Drumakill, Castleblayney, A75 CA40, on Monday, 8th May, from 2pm until 9pm and again on Tuesday, 9th May, 2pm until 9pm. Joseph’s funeral cortège will travel from his home, on Wednesday morning at 10:30am to arrive at St. Mary’s Church, Castleblayney, for funeral mass at 11am, followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery.


Joseph´s funeral Mass can be viewed on the following link:

Date Published:

Friday 5th May 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 25th April 2023

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