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Karol McGuirk

The death has occurred of

Karol McGuirk

73 Orchard Heights, Charleville, Cork / Leixlip, Kildare

Suddenly, at his residence. Deeply regretted by his wife Idalle (nee Ryan, Bruff, Co. Limerick), son Ryan, daughters Maeve and Ciara, parents Nuala and Anthony (Leixlip), brother Ian, sisters Cliona and Seodhna, aunt Barbara, uncle Tim, sisters in law Mairead and Danielle, mother in law Margaret, father in law Danny, cousins, nieces, nephews, his friends in the deaf community, neighbours,  other relatives and friends.

No admission without masks and Covid certificate.

Rest in peace

Reposing at his residence (P56T224) on Tuesday from 6.30 pm until 7.30 pm. Arriving in Holy Cross Church, Charleville on Wednesday at 1.30 pm for 2 pm Requiem Mass (Livestream available on the Facebook page of Funeral after to local cemetery. Condolences may be left in the section below or post to O'Malley Funeral Directors, Charleville.

Date Published:

Monday 21st March 2022

Date of Death:

Saturday 19th March 2022

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