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Kathleen Diane O'Keeffe

The death has occurred of

Kathleen Diane O'Keeffe
(née O'Connor)

Ovens, Cork

O’Keeffe (Kilcrea, Ovens) on March 4th 2023, unexpectedly and peacefully, at her home. Kathleen Diane (née O’Connor) beloved wife of the late John and loving mother of Helen, John, Brendan, Mary and the late Jerry. Sadly missed by her loving family, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, son-in-law, daughters-in-law, her best friend Jackie, brother Paddy, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law nephews, nieces, relatives neighbours and friends.


Rest in Peace


Lying in repose at Crowley’s Funeral Home, Ballincollig, Monday (6th) from 6.00pm to 7.00pm. Requiem Mass at 11.30am Tuesday (7th) in the Church of St John the Baptist, Ovens, which can be viewed on  Funeral afterwards to the adjoining cemetery.

Date Published:

Sunday 5th March 2023

Date of Death:

Saturday 4th March 2023

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