Search Last 7 Days Death Notices

The death has occurred of
Kathleen HANLEY
(née Maloney)
Peacefully in the wonderful care of the staff in Moyglare Nursing Home, Maynooth. Sadly missed by her loving husband Sean and family Jolene (deceased), Eileen, John, Leanne, Joe, Kathleen, Thomas (deceased) and Bonnie, sons in law, daughters in law, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, brothers in law, sisters in law, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.
May She Rest In Peace
Reposing at O'Reilly's Funeral Home, Harbour Street, Tullamore (R35 FC84), on Friday afternoon from 3pm until Removal at 5pm to the Church of the Assumption, Tullamore. Funeral Mass on Saturday at 12 noon followed by Burial after Mass in Clonminch Cemetery, Tullamore.
Funeral Mass can be viewed on
If you would like to leave a message of sympathy for the family, please do so in the condolence section below.
Date Published:
Wednesday 17th April 2024
Date of Death:
Tuesday 16th April 2024