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Kathleen (Kitty) Flynn

The death has occurred of

Kathleen (Kitty) Flynn
(née Barden)

Clonbalt Woods, Longford Town, Longford / Killoe, Longford

Formerley Aughaboy, relict of the late Hughie. Peacefully, at the residence of her son Tommy in Clonbalt Woods. Deeply regretted  by her sorrowing family Noel (Legan), Rose Derwin, (Kenagh) Mary Brady (Ennybegs) and Tommy, daughter-in-law Ann, sons-in-law Fintan and Bill, grandchildren Aine, Francis, Martin, Therese Meenaghan, Micheal, Hugh and Niamh, brothers, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.


Reposing on Wednesday 31st October in St. Joseph's Hospital Chapel of Rest, Longford, from 4.30pm to 7pm concluding with prayers at 7pm. Funeral Mass on Thursday at 11am in St. Mary's Church, Ennybegs, Killoe, followed by burial in Aughaboy Cemetery.

House private please.

Date Published:

Tuesday 30th October 2018

Date of Death:

Tuesday 30th October 2018

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