O'Connor Undertakers - Dingle

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Kathy (Kathleen) Kenna

The death has occurred of

Kathy (Kathleen) Kenna
(née Delamere)

Moneystown, Roundwood, Wicklow

Kathy (Kathleen) Kenna (née Delamere), Moneystown, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow, 5th April 2024, peacefully, after a short illness, at St. Vincent’s University Hospital, surrounded by her loving family. Beloved wife of Noel, loving mother of Denis, Liam, Conor, Suzy and Tom and beloved daughter of Kathleen. Sadly missed by her family, daughters-in-law Sinéad, Ciara and Rosemary, Tom’s partner Chloe, her cherished grandchildren Sé, Alexandra, CJ, Ruby, Eli and Katie, sisters Josie and Jenny, brothers, Joe, John, Tim and David, aunt Olive, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. Predeceased by her beloved father Ned (Edward) and grandson Fionn.


Reposing at Brennan Woulahan Funeral Home, Avoca Road, Rathdrum, on Sunday, 7th April, from 2pm to 6pm. Funeral Service on Tuesday at 11.30am in St. John’s Church, Laragh (A98 NT92), followed by burial in Calary Church Cemetery (A98 H766). Family flowers only, please. Donations in lieu, if desired, to a charity of your choice. House strictly private.

Date Published:

Saturday 6th April 2024

Date of Death:

Friday 5th April 2024

O'Connor Undertakers - Dingle

Mail Road
donaloconnor.fd@gmail.com(066) 9151396(087) 2584478
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