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Keith Boyle

The death has occurred of

Keith Boyle

Derryveagh Avenue, Letterkenny, Donegal

The unexpected death has occurred of Keith Boyle, Derryveagh, Avenue, Letterkenny. Predeceased by granny Bernadette. Loved & Missed By his mother Sharon, Fiance Jasmine, sons Riley & Jaxon. Fondly remembered by sister Sineeta, brother Jordan, grandad John, brother-in-law Krystian & nephew Józef. Always remembered by his aunties, uncles, cousins, neighbours & friends.




Removal tomorrow, Saturday 28th, from Eternal Light Chapel of Rest Mountain Top, Letterkenny at 10:30am going to his late residence. Funeral from there on Monday morning 30th for requiem mass at 11am in St. Eunan's Cathedral, Letterkenny followed by interment in Conwal Cemetery. Funeral Mass can be viewed on Please feel free to leave a message of condolence for Keith's family in the section below or on Charlie Mc Clafferty Funeral Directors Facebook page.

Date Published:

Friday 27th January 2023

Date of Death:

Thursday 26th January 2023

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