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Kevin BELL

The death has occurred of

Kevin BELL

30 Ashton Heights, Newry, Down

Bell (Newry) June 16th, 2013.  Suddenly, as a result of a tragic accident, Kevin, dearly beloved son of Collie and Eithne, cherished brother of his twin Brendan, Sean, Ciara, Eamon, Conor and Maeve and loving grandson of Kathleen and the late John Bell and Arthur and Anne Morgan.  May he Rest In Peace. His remains will be removed from the Heaney-Keenan Funeral Home on today Wednesday at 2pm to his late residence, 30 Ashton Heights.  Funeral on Saturday at 11.15am for 12noon Requiem Mass in the Church of the Sacred Heart, Cloughogue.  Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.  Kevin will be sorely missed and lovingly remembered by his heartbroken parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and his many friends.

Date Published:

Monday 17th June 2013

Date of Death:

Sunday 16th June 2013

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