Turner and Power Funeral Directors

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Kiea Mc Cann

The death has occurred of

Kiea Mc Cann

3 Fitzpatricks Square, Clones, Monaghan

The untimely death has occurred of Kiea Mc Cann, Clones, Co. Monaghan, alongside her best friend Dlava Mohamed, following a tragic car accident. Kiea is predeceased by her brother Jason.


Kiea will be forever missed and always loved by her mum Teresa, her father Franky, her brothers and sisters; Brandon, Jentzen, Frankie, Michaela, Shauna, Shaunice, Tameaka, Tanisha, Amelia and her wide circle of best friends and family.


Kiea will also be missed by her heartbroken grandmothers Mary Ellen Mc Cann and Anna Rose Flynn, her two nephews Tadhg and Liam, her uncles and aunts, cousins and friends.

"May Kiea's young gentle innocent soul rest in peace"


Kiea will be resting in her family home from today (Wednesday) until tomorrow (Thursday). Kiea's funeral procession will leave her family home on Thursday at 1.30pm approx, to arrive at Sacred Heart Chapel, Clones, for 2pm funeral Mass. Kiea will be laid to rest in Mount St Oliver's Cemetery, Clones, afterwards. Kiea's funeral Mass can be viewed on the following link https://www.churchservices.tv/sacredheartclones .Family time on Thursday morning please.


"Funeral arrangements entrusted to Clerkin Funeral Directors".

Date Published:

Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Date of Death:

Monday 31st July 2023

Turner and Power Funeral Directors

22 Moyne Road
mariepower963@gmail.comTel. 0504-23393Mob: 087-2752722
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