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Kim Roycroft-Wakefield

The death has occurred of

Kim Roycroft-Wakefield

Schull, Cork / Bantry, Cork

On 16th November 2023, KIM passed away peacefully after a bravely fought brief short illness in the excellent care of the Oncology ward at the CUH Cork, surrounded by her loving family.


Darling wife of Kelly, cherished daughter of Rosemary and Cyril, much loved sister of Angela (O’Driscoll) and her twin Nichola (Dowd), parents-in-law Jackie and Frank Wakefield, nephews Craig (O’Driscoll) and Rhys (Roycroft-Dowd), nieces Leah (god-daughter) and Kayla (O’Driscoll), grand-nephew Freddy his mother Eimear and brother Jackson, brothers-in-law Dermot (O’Driscoll), Derek (Dowd), Graham, Colm and the late Keith, sisters-in-law Tracey and Nikita, large circle of friends, co-action colleagues, neighbours, relatives and friends.


At Rest.


Reposing on Friday Nov 17th at Coakley's Funeral Home, Chapel Street, Bantry from 5pm to 7pm with prayers at 7pm. Reception and Funeral Service in Holy Trinity Church, Schull on Saturday Nov 18th at 1pm (to view live stream please click here) followed by burial in Schull Cemetery.

Family flowers only. Donations in lieu of flowers if desired to the GB ward, Oncology, Cork University Hospital, Cork.


Messages of sympathy for Kim’s family may be left below in the condolences section

Date Published:

Thursday 16th November 2023

Date of Death:

Thursday 16th November 2023

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