Michael Doyle, Funeral Directors

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Lindsey Donnelly

The death has occurred of

Lindsey Donnelly

Finglas, Dublin

Unexpectedly at home. Beloved partner of the late James Robinson and loving mother of Clayton, Mickeala, and Bobby.


Lindsey will be sadly missed and remembered with love by her children, mother Kathleen, sisters Missy and Danielle, brother Derek, Nanny Breda and Granda Tony, nieces Danika, Alanna, Kaci, Layla, Zayna, nephews Caleb and Codi, aunts, uncles, cousins, extended family, neighbours, friends and all who knew and love her.


May She Rest In Peace


Reposing at Michael Doyle Funeral Home on Tuesday, the 2nd of July, between 3pm and 5pm. Lindsey’s Funeral Mass will take place on Wednesday morning at 10am in Saint Canice’s Church, Finglas Village. Thereafter to Glasnevin Crematorium.

Date Published:

Thursday 27th June 2024

Date of Death:

Sunday 23rd June 2024

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