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Margaret (Baba) Cooney

The death has occurred of

Margaret (Baba) Cooney
(née O'Connor)

5 St Bridget`s Terrace, Littleton, Thurles, Tipperary

Peacefully, at home, surrounded by her loving family. Predeceased by her husband Phil. Deeply regretted by her sons Andy and Noel, daughters Alice, Kay, Marie and Elizabeth, sister Marie, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, daughters in law Kathryn and Patricia, sons in law Seamus and John, nephews, nieces, brothers in law, sisters in law,  relatives neighbours and many friends.

May She Rest In Peace

Reposing at her residence on Sunday, 13th September, from 4pm to 6pm for family, neighbours and friends. Arriving at St Kevin's Church, Littleton, on Monday, 14th Sept, for Requiem Mass at 11.30am. Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery. Due to government restrictions numbers are limited to 50 persons in the church. The Mass can be viewed at

Date Published:

Friday 11th September 2020

Date of Death:

Friday 11th September 2020

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