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Margaret Kavanagh

The death has occurred of

Margaret Kavanagh
(née Casey)

Farranree, Cork

Kavanagh (Cork) on November 21st 2020, peacefully, in the presence of her loving family, after a short Illness at the Mercy University Hospital, Margaret (Maud, née Casey) St Colman's Road, Farranree, beloved wife of Cyril. Loving and devoted mother of Eliza and Grace. Sadly missed by her loving husband, daughters, grandson Ben, sister Betty, brother John, sons-In-law Harry and Roy, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives, her loyal dog Holly, neighbours and a large circle of friends.


To follow best practices and government guidelines and with the support of Margaret's family, the funeral will take place privately. Condolences may be added below and at Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.


Margaret's Requiem Mass will be live-streamed on Wednesday, 25th November at 12 noon at


Requiescat In Pace

Date Published:

Sunday 22nd November 2020

Date of Death:

Saturday 21st November 2020

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