Search Last 7 Days Death Notices

The death has occurred of
Margaret Munnelly
(née Gray)
Suddenly, but peacefully at her home in Moynalvey. Margaret, predeceased by her parents John and Alice and brothers Phil and Frank. Sadly missed by her loving husband Joe, sons, Mark and Joe Jnr. Loved by brother Michael, sisters Marie, Breid, Ita & Julie, grandchildren, Lily, Alice and Tommy and their mother Ciara, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family and friends.
May She Rest In Peace.
Reposing at William Ryan & Sons Funeral Home, Church Street, Kilcock, (W23 XC90) on Friday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. Funeral Mass on Saturday at 12 noon in The Church of the Nativity, Moynalvey, (A83 AW62) followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery.
Margaret's funeral Mass can be viewed on the following link
You can leave a personal message for Margaret’s family in the condolences’ section below. Please continue to respect and follow Public Health advice, to ensure the safety of all, at the residence, church and cemetery.
Date Published:
Thursday 11th May 2023
Date of Death:
Tuesday 9th May 2023