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Margaret (Peggy) Griffin

The death has occurred of

Margaret (Peggy) Griffin
(née Ryan (Matt))

Moyne Road, Thurles, Tipperary / Upperchurch, Tipperary

Formerly Foilnamon, Upperchurch and Reafadda, Holyford. Peggy passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family in the wonderful care of the staff of University Hospital Limerick. Predeceased by her husband Eddie, son Eamonn and son-in-law Joe. Deeply regretted by her loving family, son Tom (Dublin), daughters Mary Whelan (Oola), Kathleen Brown (Moycarkey) and Eileen Fallon (Two Mile Borris), daughter-in-law Ann, sons-in-law John and David, grandchildren Christine, Eamonn, Shane, Brian, Daniel, Geoff, Jack and Clodagh, great-grandchildren Ben, Isabel and Emily, nephews, nieces, cousins, neighbours and friends.


Rest In Peace


Peggy's funeral cortege will leave her daughter Eileen's residence on Saturday morning (8th May) at 10am to arrive at the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles via Moyne Road at 10.30am. In accordance with Government guidelines a private family Funeral Mass confined to 25 people will take place at 11am followed by burial in Upperchurch Cemetery. Mass can be viewed on the link Messages of condolences can be left in the condolence section below

Date Published:

Thursday 6th May 2021

Date of Death:

Wednesday 5th May 2021

O'Dwyer's Funeral Directors

jodwyer9@gmail.com0504-54115Mob: 087-7991439 / 087-2206027
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