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Margaret (Peggy) Treacy

The death has occurred of

Margaret (Peggy) Treacy
(née Molloy)

The Heath, Cormackstown, Thurles, Tipperary

And formerly Ballybeg, Littleton. Peacefully surrounded by her loving family. In the wonderful care of the staff of Med 2 Ward Nenagh Hospital. Predeceased by her loving husband Michael, infant son Martin, sisters May and Anne, sister-in-law Ann. She will be sadly missed by her heartbroken family, daughters Catherine, Mary and Bríd, sons Philip and Michael, grandchildren Sophie, Leah, Fionn, Hannah and Alice, great-grand daughter Lylah, sons-in-law Russell, Michael and Bernard, daughters-in-law Laura and Kate, sisters Bridget, Norah and Statia, brothers John, Pat and Tom, nephews, nieces, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, relatives, neighbours and many friends.


May She Rest In Peace.


Reposing in Hugh Ryan's Funeral Home, Slievenamon Road, Thurles on Thursday, 7th December, from 5pm to 7pm. Arriving at the Church of St Joseph & Brigid, Bothar na Naomh, Thurles on Friday, 8th December, at 9.30am for Requiem Mass at 10am. Burial afterwards in Upperchurch graveyard. The Mass can be viewed using the link below.

Date Published:

Wednesday 6th December 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 5th December 2023

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