Turner and Power Funeral Directors

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Mark Keane

The death has occurred of

Mark Keane

Ballymore, Gooldscross, Cashel, Tipperary

Mark, deeply regretted by his loving family, his heartbroken parents Connie and Sheila, his brothers Michael, Richard and Noel, his children Mark, Millie, Amy, Aisling and their mother Mary, Macie and her mother Christine, sisters-in-law, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles, cousins, relatives, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.


May Mark Rest in Peace


Reposing at Hayes Funeral Home, Clonoulty on Sunday evening, 22nd January, from 5pm to 7pm arriving at St. John the Baptist Church, Clonoulty at 7.30pm.  Funeral Mass on Monday morning, 23rd January, at 11.30am, burial after Mass in Clonoulty Cemetery.

Mass can be viewed live at churchcamlive.ie/clonoulty

Date Published:

Friday 20th January 2023

Date of Death:

Wednesday 18th January 2023

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