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The death has occurred of


Drummin, Ballyturn, Gort, Galway

The death has occurred of Martin Casey, New York and late of Drummin, Ballyturn, Gort, Co. Galway. Peacefully, on the 5th of June 2021, following a short illness borne with dignity and courage. Pre deceased by his mother Nancy and his father Johnny and his brother Lawrence. Deeply regretted by his adoring partner, Miriam, his heartbroken sisters and brothers: Kathleen Greene, (Kinvara), Margaret Bohan, (Moycullen), Anna Casey Donohue, (Kinvara), Mary Counihan, (Kinvara), Patrick Casey, (New York), Sean Casey, (Kilbeacanty), sisters in law, brothers in law, nephews, nieces, grand nieces, grand nephews, extended family and his many friends.


A private family funeral will take place for Martin in New York with Interment in New York. Memorial mass will be held in Kilbeacanty at a later date. Condolences to the family can be left on the on line book below this notice or sent in the traditional manner. The Casey family wish to thank everyone for their kindness and support at this sad time.




“Look out your window when you’re feeling blue 

You’ll see a blue bird looking in at you,

Lay down your head, let yourself be free,

Take in your deepest breath and sing with me”




“Slán abhaile Martin, Slán go foill”

Date Published:

Sunday 6th June 2021

Date of Death:

Saturday 5th June 2021

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