Search Last 7 Days Death Notices

The death has occurred of
Mary Gleeson
Mary, predeceased by her husband Tommy, grandson Patrick, niece Biddy and all deceased family members, deeply regretted by her loving son Jack, daughter Kathleen, son-in-law Jim, daughter-in-law Joan, grandchildren, great grandchildren, sister-in-law Breda, nephews, nieces, grand nephews, grand nieces, relatives, neighbours and a wide circle of friends.
May She Rest in Peace
Reposing at Ardeen Funeral Home on Friday evening, 1st February from 5pm to 7pm arriving at St. Peter's Church, Moycarkey on Saturday morning, 2nd February for Funeral Mass at 11.30am, burial after Mass in St. Peter's Cemetery, Moycarkey.
Date Published:
Wednesday 30th January 2019
Date of Death:
Tuesday 29th January 2019