Massey Bros. Funeral Directors - The Coombe (Head Office)

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Mary Lardner

The death has occurred of

Mary Lardner
(née McHugh)

Caltra, Belclare, Galway

Formerly of Ballycasey, Headford.

Predeceased by her husband Paddy.

Peacefully at her home.

Deeply regretted by her loving son Michael, daughter-in-law Nuala, sister Bernie Hoade, Sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, grand-nieces, grand-nephews, relatives, neighbours and friends.


May She Rest In Peace.


Reposing at Glynn's Funeral Home, High, St., Tuam, this Thursday evening from 6.00pm to 7.30 pm followed by removal to her home.

Funeral Mass at the Church of Mary Immaculate and St Joseph, Caherlistraine on Friday at 1.00 pm followed by burial in Donaghpatrick Cemetery.

Family flowers only please, donations if desired to CROI.

Date Published:

Wednesday 4th October 2023

Date of Death:

Tuesday 3rd October 2023

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