Kilgarriff Funeral Directors

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Mary Ryan (Hanna)

The death has occurred of

Mary Ryan (Hanna)
(née Brett)

Church House, Holycross, Tipperary

Pre deceased by her husband Tom and her brothers Tom, John and Mattie, sisters Jane and Winifred. Peacefully, in the loving care of the Matron and wonderful staff of Padre Pio Nursing Home Holycross in her 93rd year. Deeply regretted by her son Paddy, daughter in law Teresa, grandchildren Thomas, Conor, James, Aidan and Paul, cousins, neighbours and friends.

Rest In Peace

Due to government advice regarding public gatherings, a private family funeral Mass will take place this Friday at 11.30am in  Holycross Abbey, which can be viewed on the link followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery. Numbers limited to 10 family members in the church. We suggest using the online condolence page as an option to offer your sympathies to the family.

Date Published:

Thursday 11th February 2021

Date of Death:

Wednesday 10th February 2021

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