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Maura Bonnie

The death has occurred of

Maura Bonnie
(née O'Halloran)

Walkinstown, Dublin

Bonnie (née O’Halloran) Maura (Walkinstown) August 4, 2020 (peacefully) in the loving care of the staff of Tallaght Hospital. Beloved wife of the late George and loving mother of Theresa, Connie, George, Gerard, Pauline, Anthony and the late Jim. Sadly missed by her loving daughters, sons, daughter-in-law Deborah, son-in-law Declan, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nephews, nieces, relatives, neighbours, especially the Brennan family and friends.


May she rest in peace


In line with Government and H.S.E advice regarding public gatherings, a small private funeral will be held. Her family would ask that everyone over the coming days who knew Maura would take some time to light a candle or say a prayer in her memory. Those who cannot attend the funeral Mass due to the current restrictions please feel free to leave a message in the condolence book at the bottom of the page. To live stream Maura’s Funeral Mass on Friday at 10am please see link

Date Published:

Tuesday 4th August 2020

Date of Death:

Tuesday 4th August 2020

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