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Maureen Cronin

The death has occurred of

Maureen Cronin
(née O'Carroll)

Ennis, Clare / Rockchapel, Cork / Brosna, Kerry

The death has occurred of Maureen Cronin, Ennis and formerly of Toureenfineen, Rockchapel, Co. Cork, on April 12th 2021, peacefully, at home in her 105th year. Maureen (nee O’Carroll) pre-deceased by her husband Seán. Deeply regretted by her sons Tony, Pat, daughters Sheila, Ann, daughters in law Peggy, Ann, sons in law Denis, Seán, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, sister in law, niece, nephew, relatives, friends and neighbours.


Requiem Mass will be offered for Maureen on Wednesday, April 14th, at 12 noon in St. Peter’s Church, Rockchapel, for family only, please. Burial afterwards in Brosna Old Cemetery.


Mass will be live streamed on the Facebook page, Meelin and Rockchapel Parish.


Funeral cortège will travel, after Mass, via Glounakeel, Toureenfineen, Knockaclarig to Brosna Old Cemetery.

Date Published:

Tuesday 13th April 2021

Date of Death:

Monday 12th April 2021

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