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Michael Dobbins

The death has occurred of

Michael Dobbins

Carnhill, Derry City, Derry

22nd October 2020, Peacefully at Altnagelvin Hospital.


Mickey, Beloved Husband of Mary.


Loving Father of Michael, Sean, Amanda, Ciara and Terry. Grandfather of Simon, Niamh, Rory, Rachel, Holly, Eve, Eirann, Niall, Lewis, Maya, Thomas and Lilah. 


Father-in-law of Maria, Diane, Alfie, Ted and Hillary. 


Great Grandfather of Finn and Eabha and brother of Eddie, Robert, Majella and the late Ann. 


Funeral from his home 60 Carnhill, Derry on Saturday 24th October at 10:45am to St Patrick's Church, Pennyburn for Requiem Mass at 11:15am. 


Sadly, due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, the wake and Funeral is strictly private. The Funeral Mass will be live streamed on St. Patrick's Church, Pennyburn website.


Interment immediately afterwards in the City Cemetery. 


St Anthony Pray for him.


Sacred Heart of Jesus have Mercy on his soul. 


Donations in lieu of flowers to ICU Altnagelvin Hospital c/o any family member. 


Very deeply missed by entire family circle, neighbours and friend's. 

Date Published:

Friday 23rd October 2020

Date of Death:

Thursday 22nd October 2020

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