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McLeish, Michael (St. David’s Well, Bridgetown and late of Drinagh, Co. Wexford and Roscrea, Co. Tipperary), December 18, 2022, sadly missed by his family, Janette, Fidelis, Mairead (Molly), Adrian and their mother Kathleen. brother Ger, sisters Ethel, Josie and late Eugene, May and Bernie; sons-in-law Peter, Jason and John, brother in Law, Eddie and sister in Law, Patty, grandchildren Robin, Faye, Luke, Rory, Sean, Cathy, Ellie, Bobby, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.
R. I. P.
Reposing in Mulligans Funeral Home, the Faythe, Wexford, on Thursday from 6pm until 9pm, removal on Friday at 11.15am to St. Mary’s Church Kilmore, for funeral Mass at 12 noon, burial afterwards in The New Cemetery Kilmore. You are welcome to join in the celebration of Michael’s funeral Mass on Messages of sympathy and support for Michael’s family can be left on the Condolences link below.
Date Published:
Monday 19th December 2022
Date of Death:
Sunday 18th December 2022