Hugh Ryan Funeral Directors (Est. 1878)

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Michael (Mickey-Joe) Londra

The death has occurred of

Michael (Mickey-Joe) Londra

Pinewood, Wexford Town, Wexford / Leighlinbridge, Carlow

Beloved husband of Margie. Dear father of Michael, Paul and Majella. Brother of Bríd and Liam. Very sadly missed by his loving wife, daughter, sons, brother, sister, grandchildren Dylan and Warren, great-grandson Luke, sons-in-law Mark and Stephen, daughter-in-law Helen, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends.

May He Rest in Peace


Reposing at Macken's Funeral Home, Distillery Road, Wexford, Y35 HP29 on Tuesday, 10th December, from 4.00 pm until 7.00 pm. Removal shall take place on Wednesday morning, 11th December, to the Church of The Assumption, Bride Street for Funeral Mass at 10.00 am followed by burial afterwards in St. Ibar's Cemetery, Crosstown. For those who may like to join the Funeral Mass online - please use the following link Michael (Mickey-Joe)'s Funeral Mass and please choose the webcam option for 'Bride Street Church'.


For those who may like to leave a message of condolence, please do so by clicking on the link below marked 'condolences'.

Date Published:

Friday 6th December 2024

Date of Death:

Thursday 5th December 2024

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Ryan Funeral Directors - Thurles (Hugh) MID.png

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