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The peaceful death has occurred at his home of Michael (Mickey) Roarty, The Wood, Stranaglough, Glenties on his 95th year.
Sadly missed by his loving wife Kitty, sons Michael and John and daughters Margaret (Kennedy), Rosemary (Keaveny) and Eileen (Gavigan), daughters-in-law, son-in-law, 21 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.
Removal from Shovlins Funeral Home, Sandfield, Ardara today Monday 6th December at 3pm going to his late residence for family only.
Wake open to family, close friends and neighbours from 2pm - 9pm on Tuesday 7th December. Removal on Wednesday morning 8th December to St.Connell's Church, Glenties for Requiem Mass at 11am with burial afterwards in the local cemetery.
House private on the morning of the funeral.
Funeral Mass can be viewed live on " ".
If you wish to express your condolence to Michaels Family, please do so via the condolence section below.
Date Published:
Monday 6th December 2021
Date of Death:
Monday 6th December 2021