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Michael (Mike) Lyons

The death has occurred of

Michael (Mike) Lyons

Killeenavera, Dromkeen, Limerick

Michael, died (peacefully) at University Hospital Limerick 


Very deeply regretted by his loving wife Chrissie, children Geraldine, Michael, Patrick and Bernie, grandchildren Conaill, Daire and Mia, sons-in-law Liam and  Michael, daughter-in-law Mairead, Patrick's fiancèe Sinead, brother Joe, sisters-in-law, brother-in-law, nephews, nieces, extended family, friends and neighbours.


May He Rest in Peace


Requiem Mass, for family and close friends, will take place at 12 noon on Wednesday (July 14th) in St. Brigid's Church, Dromkeen.

Funeral afterwards to Kilteely Cemetery. 


In compliance with the current HSE guidelines, the funeral will be limited to fifty people. Please ensure social distancing and public health advice is adhered.


Messages of sympathy may be expressed through the condolence section below or cards and letters of sympathy can be sent to Cross' Funeral Directors, Lower Gerald Griffin Street, Limerick.

Date Published:

Monday 12th July 2021

Date of Death:

Sunday 11th July 2021

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