Search Last 7 Days Death Notices

The death has occurred of
Neily O'Leary
Neily O'Leary, Toorbona, Rathmore and Holland. Passed away, peacefully, on March 11th 2020, after a short illness in CUH. Predecased by his father Ger, mother Han and brother Connie. Deeply regretted by his loving family, PatJoe, Donie, Jackie, Derry, Kathleen, Joanie, Martin, Breda and Teresa.
May He Rest in Peace
Reposing in Tarrant's Funeral Home, Millstreet, on Friday evening from 6pm to 8pm, followed by removal to St Patrick's Church, Millstreet. Requiem Mass on Saturday at 10am, followed by cremation at The Island Crematorium, Ringsskiddy. No flowers, please.
Date Published:
Thursday 12th March 2020
Date of Death:
Wednesday 11th March 2020