Quinn's Undertakers - Athenry

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Noel Whelan

The death has occurred of

Noel Whelan

Caheroyan Park, Athenry, Galway

Noel passed away suddenly but peacefully at home in his 85th year. Predeceased by his parents Tommy and Elizabeth, his beloved wife Marie, his sisters Doreen and Iris and his brother Denis. Sadly, missed by his heartbroken daughters Geraldine and Claire, sons in-law Paschal and Joe, his much loved seven grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren, his brothers Paul (UK), Martin (Athenry), his sisters Patty (Canada) and Helen (Australia), brother in-law Joe, sisters in-laws Brigid, Patricia and Kathleen, extended family, neighbours and many friends.


Reposing at Quinn’s Funeral Home, Athenry on Saturday, January 14th, from 5pm. Removal at 7.30pm to the Church of The Assumption, Athenry. Funeral Mass on Sunday, January 15th, at 1pm. Burial afterwards to the New Cemetery, Athenry. Funeral Mass will be live streamed on https://www.churchmedia.tv/st-marys-parish-1 and can be listened to on the parish radio 106.5FM. Family flowers only by request.  Donations, if desired, to Western Alzheimer Society in memory of his wife Marie (https://westernalzheimer.ie/support-us/donations/).  Those who wish to leave a message of sympathy to Noel’s family can do so in condolences section below.


Rest in Peace

Date Published:

Thursday 12th January 2023

Date of Death:

Wednesday 11th January 2023

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