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Paddy Gore

The death has occurred of

Paddy Gore

Wexford Town, Wexford / Mallow, Cork

Gore, Comdt Paddy (Wexford and late of Mallow, Co. Cork) December 11, 2023, beloved husband of Vera, loving father of Elaine, Stephen, Patrick, Niamh and Kevin, brother of Noel, Don, Mary, Johnny and Bridget; sadly missed by his family, son-in-law Woody, daughter-in-law Helena, Patrick’s partner Barbara, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, grandchildren Cian, Sara, Jasmine, Alyssa, Aubree, Ivie and Oscar, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.


May he rest in Peace


Funeral Mass in Church of the Assumption, Bride Street on Wednesday at 10am. Cremation will take place privately. House private please family only. You are welcome to join in the celebration of Paddy’s funeral Mass on Bride Street.


Messages of sympathy and support for Paddy’s family can be left on the 'Condolences' link below.

Date Published:

Monday 11th December 2023

Date of Death:

Monday 11th December 2023

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